Monday, July 9, 2007

Independent Program Oversight (IPO)

I read an article written by a colleague of mine, Emory Miller, entitled “Could Independent Program Oversight be a new model for improving the success of IT programs?” (, Published June 11, 2007 ) In the article Emory states “We fail because we don’t make good decisions.” His answer to failure is to begin “with the roles we play”. He applies oversight roles to a program management office (PMO) structured to provide informed decisions by utilizing multidisciplinary reviews, independent assessments and validation of project costs, schedules and earned value reporting to “speed up the time-to-decision cycle.” If we consider the purpose of a PMO, then the functions of Independent Program Oversight (IPO) as described by Emory are a logical and innovative use of a proven PMO structure. An IPO could provide needed visibility into an initiative as complex as an ERP system implementation. Consider having the ability to utilize an experienced neutral party to monitor progress and risk of the work being performed by another third party. Wouldn’t it be valuable to know, without bias, how a project is actually performing and then have the ability to utilize that information to make timely decisions that improve the outcome of the project? I am intrigued by the concept of an IPO, what do you thing?

The views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer, Robbins-Gioia.

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